Hate cleaning? Using Efflock in tile grout is an easy way to reduce mould.
Modern cement based tile grouts claim to have mould inhibitors in their formula, but still remain porous, failing to prevent ingrained mould for very long. Efflock however, can make a dramatic difference.
We made two test blobs of grout about 20mm thick. One was a control sample with plain water, and the other used 1 part Efflock to 100 parts water. Once the grout had cured and dried out, we submerged the grout samples into a 10 litre bucket of water. Both were broken in half using a hammer after 24 hours. The control was saturated throughout, but the Efflock sample remained completely dry. We then tried two weeks of submersion for the Efflock sample. We broke the sample in half again with a hammer. The water still had not penetrated more than a sheet of paper thickness!
Unlike surface applied sealers, Efflock provides complete impregnation of the entire grout thickness, unaffected by abrasion and traffic wear. Without moisture, ingrained mould in your shower tile grout is dramatically reduced.